How Business Cleaning Services Actually Boost Your Business

Mohagandra Singh
3 min readJun 11, 2021


The average American office worker will spend about 90,000 hours at work throughout their lifetime. In the big scheme of things, that’s almost a third of your life. If you’re a business owner, this is an important concept to keep in mind when it comes to the cleanliness of your office space.

Not only are you exposed to various types of pathogens in an office (for hours on end, too) but so are your employees. This is where professional commercial cleaning services can create a clean and safe environment for everyone to thrive.

This blog outlines how a commercial cleaning service benefits your business — probably more so than you thought!

1. Bolster Your Business Productivity

It’s no secret that a clean and organized space makes for a clear and far more focused headspace. Clutter and dirt can be distracting for both you and your employees. So, having your office professionally cleaned can create a distraction-free environment for all.

Don’t make the mistake of spending all your time on increasing your bottom line or employee training. Yes, these business tasks are crucial. But the result is often neglect of a healthy work environment.

Having your workspace deep-cleaned on a regular basis helps to purify the air you and your employees breathe day in and day out. According to the EPA, indoor air quality both at home but especially in an office environment poses a major health risk to Americans every day.

Poor quality air can impact the productivity of your office because it can cause drowsiness and a lack of concentration. With professional cleaning, you can eliminate pathogens, odors, and germs that circulate through the air and keep your employees healthy.

2. Reduce Instances of Employee Sick Leave

Once a virus enters your workplace, it’s difficult to stamp it out. It tends to travel from one employee to the next as pathogens spread through your HVAC system. And let’s not forget employee-to-employee contact.

This is another factor that can slow down productivity due to an increased number of sick days. But as a business owner, you have to ask yourself how and why a virus can spread so quickly throughout your workplace? Yes, it’s difficult to control because so many of your employees are in close contact. But if your office is clean and hygienic, the spread of bacteria and viruses slows significantly.

Professional commercial cleaning is thorough and critical to help you ward off the spread of germs. A cleaning company will deep clean your most vulnerable areas such as the bathrooms, breakrooms, kitchen, and training rooms. They also offer advice on best hygiene practices to ward off the spread of germs.

3. Create a Clean and Professional Office Appearance

Never underestimate how important the look and feel of your office is. Whether your clients visit your office or not, the appearance of your workplace is also super important for your employee mindset.

A clean, dust-free, neat, and tidy office space instills a sense of pride in all those who work there. It’s all about the image you project to your customers and your employees — one that says that you care about their perception of your business.

In short, a disheveled business appearance translates to a disheveled, sub-par type of service. This is the last thing you want to say to your employees or customers about what your business offers! full blog content source came from

